Kids Books - Trending Books

Taylor Swift (Superstars!)

Taylor Swift (Superstars!)

By Lynn Peppas

I am such a big Taylor Swift fan and she is so cool. This Gives me a lot of information about her and I really wish that when she dies. That Probably won’t happen in a while. I’ll take her place because I love singing and singing is one of my favorite things in the world She is so cool and I and I really love singing and I wish I could meet her one day And that’s why I gave this book 5 stars

Walk Two Moons

Walk Two Moons

By Sharon Creech

First, I should introduce the main character, Salamanca Tree Hiddle, better known as Sal, who has the pack her bags and move to Ohio. She leaves her farm in Bybanks, a fictional small town in Kentucky, and travels to Euclid, which not only is a real place, it is the birthplace of the author. But that was a year ago, and in the present, she is in the car with her two grandparents, who are driving her all the way to Lewiston, Idaho, where her mother is. As they're driving, Sal tells a story that happened to her when she first moved to Euclid. It concerns a strange girl named Phoebe Winterbottom, a mysterious young man, and has quite a few surprising twists... As the book unfolds, more and more details about Sal's past are revealed. This book alternates, with Sal revealing more of her story, and strange things happening to her grandparents. All in all, there were a few key details that could either make you enjoy it or ruin it for you. There's the whole thing about having a story behind another story, as Sal puts it, and the whole other thing about some things being unclear and potentially confusing until later. Then there are the two weird grandparents and Sal, Gramps, and Gram's weird rural way of speaking. For me, the whole idea of having two stories worked out in the end, and I liked the eccentric habits of her grandparents, but I could see why some people would be a little confused. Additionally, the idea of traveling across the US and going to all these small towns was cool, too. I enjoyed how it had a fair amount of humor, and was mostly very engaging and drew me in from the first chapter. If you like somewhat old-fashioned realistic fiction, like some of Kate DiCamillo's stories, you'll like it too. You might even have a "gol-dang" time, as Gramps puts it.

Deep and Dark and Dangerous: A Ghost Story

Deep and Dark and Dangerous: A Ghost Story

By Mary Downing Hahn

You know her ; Your aunt she's been there your whole life. You know her just as well as your own mother… right? Well that's what Alison thought. She thought she had an average family until she met Sissy. Who knew a summer at the lake could feel like an eternity. Well who except Sissy. Alison knows fiction from reality; all those stories about fairy's and dragons could never be real but ghost stories... real as can be . When Alison found an old photograph of three girls, her mother, her aunt and someone marked as T who is torn out of the photo she gets mildly suspicious. Fast ford a few days and she meets Sissy a angry young girl who doesn't particularly love the water but loves sugar on her cereal; They become friends and Alison finally starts to learn the truth about a family secret that's been tearing apart her mother and aunt for decades. Maybe it was better she didn't know...

Home Alone (TV & film tie-ins)

Home Alone (TV & film tie-ins)

By Todd Strasser

I loved the movie and I feel like this book should be shared to kids that love laughter and fun!

Fly Girls: The Daring American Women Pilots Who Helped Win WWII

Fly Girls: The Daring American Women Pilots Who Helped Win WWII

By P O'Connell Pearson

Women like Cornelia Fort, Jacqueline "Jackie" Cochran, few other women. They flew for the combat, underwent same trainings as a men, determined as a men. They showed that women can also fly, become a pilots, even though it is hard. Cornelia Fort is one who had witnessed the attack of Peral Harbor in Hawaii in December 1941. Jackie Cochran is famous woman to teach other young women to fly. Those are few women who had showed us that girls can do anything just like boys do. - Happy Reading!

Katie the Catsitter

Katie the Catsitter

By AF Venable, Colleen

I love cats and cute illustrations so I loved this book. Even if you don't like cats, I still recomend. So, Katie wants to go to summer camp with her friends, but she doesn't have enough money. When her friends mom offers to pay, Katie refuses, she wants to earn the money all by herself. Katie starts advertising her new business, doing chores for the others that live in her apartement. Soon enough, Katie finds out she doesn't enjoy doing the chores at all. Meanwhile her best friend is sending her many letters about camp, and how much she wishes Katie was there. Then Katie gets a job catsitting for 217 cats!!!! And they are no ordanairy cats, they know all sorts of things that cats shouldn't!!! But soon she starts recieving less and less letters from her best friend, and starts realizing that the lady she catsits for is always out at the time a local villian is commiting crimes. What should Katie do? Good thing she has 217 intelligent cats to help her out!

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Getaway

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Getaway


Christmas is almost here and the Heffley family is way behind on all things Christmas and they want to get away. Even though Greg thinks it's not a good idea as he is perfectly happy staying indoors by the fireplace all through Christmas break, his family decides to go to Isla de Corales for the Christmas and be away from the excruciating cold. They are all packed and they leave for the airport but without taking in consideration all the traffic they will get. They make it to the airport and hit snag after snag. After lots of bumps, they make it to Isla de Corales and instantly they feel better as the hot air hits them. But family holidays aren't family holidays until there is a lot of bickering and that's exactly what ensues. Greg's mother wants the family to spend time together but Greg's dad wants to do his own thing and Rowley wants to do his own thing too. Greg is looking to do lots of cool activities so that he can finally show Rowley that he had stellar time on his getaway. Let's just say that short of getting thrown in jail, the Heffley family gets in all sorts of trouble. I don't know what it is about the Heffely family holidays that they remind me so much of my family holidays. From not leaving for the airport in enough time to end up sitting on the plane in the middle of a different family to getting lost at the resort to birds eating our lunch to not be able to get a single decent family photo are all so relatable and not to mention hilarious. I loved this. 5 stars



By Judy Blume

The book ''Blubber'' is a book that I think kids of every age and grade should read in one point in their life. It tells kids how it feels to tease somebody else and feel how exactly like to be the target. The book was ok, it was not one of my favorites but I still think it should be reccomended. In this book I will be telling you in this bok review, about some of the things I liked and did not like about this book. One thing that I liked is that the way how Linda one of the characters that got bullied handlded it. Linda would indeed cry when some of her classmates teased her but there were times when she was brave to keep on comming to school. If it was me I don't think that I would ever want to go back. In order to support this statement, it says in page 133 '' mother is going to drive me to school from now on'' Linda said after telling her mom about getting teased. A next thing that Iliked about this book was Jill the main character and her friend Tracy and how they are best friends. They both are best friends and I love it how they just know that they are meant to be best friends and to be honest with you it kind of reminds me of me and my best friends. But to prove Tracy's and Jill's friendship it says on pages 155-156 ''Some people are always changing best friends. I'm glad me and Tracy aren't that way.'' Those are two of the very few things that I liked about this book. I have a few negatives dealing with this book and one of them are is that Jill's parents don't exactly punish her the right way. I will prove this statement on page''But you will have to face the consquences.'' Jill's dad said after Jill put rotten eggs in someone;s mailbox. But I felt Jill should of at least of gotten grounded to make it more realistic. One more negative thing is that Jill at first was a little nice to Linda but then got way too mean. In order to prove that Jill was becoming to mean it says''Tracy had a blue chalk with her and she snapped it in half and both of us laughed like crazy as we wroteBlubber lives here all over the street.'' Blubber is Linda's nick name. Who knew a 5th grader could be so mean, right? Even though I personally did not like this book all that much, but I think people of all ages should read it becuase it will tell them how it may feel like your powerful teasing somebody but you could also be in a spot where you are the one being teased non-stop. So... let's all help the world stop with the terrible situation with bullying!

God's Not Dead: What Do You Believe?

God's Not Dead: What Do You Believe?

By Darren Sutton

I fully agree God Jesus and the Holy Ghost are THREE SEPARATE BEINGS and God is not dead because he can't die and he love us all and yea I go to Church

The Goose Girl

The Goose Girl

By Shannon Hale

As soon as I finished reading this book, I immediately went to Dogo to write a review. In the beginning, the book was a bit hard to get into, as it was more slow-paced and uneventful, but soon after, Shannon Hale didn't disappoint. There was action, drama, and suspense! If it were a movie, I'd watch it ten times over, as it is, I'm probably going to read it multiple times. It follows along the basic plot of "The Goose Girl" by the Brothers Grimm but adds breezy and immersive descriptions, beautiful characters, and commendable plot that turns it from a bed-time story to a fantastical, spellbinding tale of betrayal, friendship, and a fair share of magic.

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