Hi everyone! Sorry for being so not active lately. Just a lot of school... What is your favorite song? Mine's is Blue and White Porcelainby Jay Chou and Bluestone Alley!
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Heyy, quick question, what's your favorite and least favorite fruit? My favorite: crunchy grapes!! Least favorite: pears (asian pears are an exception tho, it's a whole new world, trust me) Have a spectacular rest of the week!
Hi my name is @yummymangos12 I am new here I hope we can be friends.I wanna get to know you guys better so I have some questions 1.What is your dream vacation? 2.Ice cream flavor? 3.Favorite Singer? 4.Favorite book? 5.How many pets? 6.Movie? 7.Food? 8.Favorite Gen-Z word 9.Would you rather get your dream house or car? 10.Favorite Subject in School? 11.First initial for your crushes name? I will also answer these questions but later cause I am super busy😑
Hello and welcome! 1. I actually live there😀. 2. Cookies and Cream and pumpkin! 3. I have two really, TobyMac and Forrest Frank. 4. I have so many but a couple of my favorite series are: LOTR, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, and The Marcus Ryker series(highly recommend!). 5. 0. 6. Marvel, Star Wars, LOTR, and many more! 7. One of my favorites is pizza. 8. I don't have one that I can think of. 9. house. 10. reading. 11. N/A (as in Non Applicable). And yeah, we can be friends.
Hii, we can most certainly become friends! Here are my answers: 1. Anywhere in Asia! 2. Mint choc chip (don't knock it till you try it, and if you have, try it again), coffee, and birthday cake (it's nostalgic, I used to always get it at braum's) 3. Tbh, I don't really have one 4. I've a ton, but here are some: Throne Of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas, A Court Of Thorns And Roses, again by Sarah J. Maas, Shatter Me series by Tahereh Mafi, and more! 5. Sadly, none at the moment 6. Marvel, Bloodhounds (15+), Avatar, and Ready Player One 7. A LOT, too many to count, and I have no idea where to start 8. I'm a fan of "if you know, you know", "lowkey/highkey" and "who dat in the baaack" (this doesn't really count, but I still love it) 9. House! 10. Business English and P.E. 11. Haha, I don't really have one rn. Tysm for the quiz!
Hiya @yummymangos12 !! 🙃 glad to have you here. 1. Stay at home lol, preferably with a book and maybe coffee 2. Any flavor I haven't tried before 3. Alessia Cara or Ava Max, by voice 4. Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson 5. 0 (T_T), will one day be 1!! 6. Shrek 7. Depends on my mood lol, anything savory like beef noodles 8. W 9. get big house, sell big house for smaller house + decent car 10. physics 11. E (😬 hahha).. Thanks for the Qs!! In the past (like past past LOL) I usually rarely did these, but yours are a lot of fun ;)
1. North Pole 2. Strawberry and chocolate 3.Matt Bellamy (MUSE)4. Charisma 5. ???? a guinea pig and tons of fish 6. ID4 and Eternals 7. curry rice 8. I don't really have one...... 9. A car! (I like to watch F1 by the way) 10. Art! And English
I'm just curious, does anyone have pets? My family has this adorable fat guinea pig called Potato(he's got three colors-light brown, white and black), and many, many fish. I really want to have a lizard!
I used to! We had a hamster, Snowball. He looked like a cinnamon roll, but could kill you, so I always used a glass jar to move him when needed. We also had beta fish, and before I go on just a friendly reminder: we listen and we don't judge; so I'd often forget they even existed and as a result didn't feed them for days. But they actually managed to survive for quite a long time!
I hope I have a dog! But no!
PLS I WISH; we're not allowed to own pets hahha, but I will definitely get a dog one day. Also Potato is such a fire name for an adorable fat guinea pig I'm cryingg T_T
I want a guinea pig and wanna name it Butter lol
Im getting a pet. Does that count?🧐
Ohh, what kind??
This week's quote: "Bad things happen when good people do nothing." I recently rewatched a show with this quote in it and thought it was a really good call to action! Have a great rest of your week!
I had to reread the quote a few times to let the meaning sink in, and I totally agree with you! It's a good call to action–– especially given the current state of affairs. Hope you have a wonderful week as well!