Kids Books - Trending Books
QB 1
By Mike Lupica
Have you ever wanted to read a good book about sports. In particularly football. The name of this book is QB 1 and the authors name is Mike Lupica. This book takes place in Granger, Texas where high school football is the only thing. The main character comes from a family of quarterbacks who are famous. His dad was a football legend who got injured and his older brother just went to college to be a starter as a quarterback. Jake the main character comes to high school for his first year and has to prove himself to the whole town. And in Granger Texas high school football is every bodies main focus. The antagonist of the book is Casey another quarterback who is competing to be starter. The protagonist is a jakes mom who always supports him no matter the circumstances. The turning point of the book is where jake starts to be confident of him self and gives Casey a run for his money. I really like and recommend this book because it's about football and was written very well.
Panda Kindergarten
By Joanne Ryder
This book is sooooo cute. It is nonfiction but its still good because of its pictures. The pictures show pandas at panda kindergarten where they go down slides and stuff. Its absolutely adorable!
Playful Pandas
By National Geographic Society
i think it looks cute but what was that one thing i think it was a koala ooooooooo hay has anybotty seen jessie it sure is funny how parents say hello jessie isnt that funny i think it is because mr hide siad tt this morning he siad some anybody watch hello jessie you see that one boy luke you gies want to out like you better start extrasizeing or else you wont be turning out like him if you want i know that sooooooooo crazy i think its just so crazy right i dont like it but umm back to pandas you can always buy one and you wouldnt have any more $$$$$$$$$ i think it is crazy but at the same thing.
Historians on Hamilton: How a Blockbuster Musical Is Restaging America's Past
i really want to read this
The Wide Window (A Series of Unfortunate Events)
By Lemony Snicket
Another great book of this series! I haven't finished this book yet but since I watched the show I know what happens.So after another horrible event count Olaf did once again, the children find another family member to love with. Her name is Aunt joesaphene( idk how to spell it lol) and she is cautious.............. very VERY cautious. She doesn't cook anything or touch the doorknobs or even use the phone bc even since her husband Ike died after being eaten by the leaches, she has been very scared of everything. A few days after the kids settled,or at least tried to, their aunt goes to a market and buys some limes. She comes home with a man. One without a left leg and an eye patch. His name is ''Captain Sham'' or at least that's what he says. The kids know from first sight this is Count Olaf. But they can't show proof that he is bc his tattoo of his eye is on his left leg. The one sham is ''Missing'' and he has a patch covering his unibrow . The kids do whatever it takes to show everyone that is Olaf. Something else happends to joesaphene and its tragic. But u have to finish this book to find out. Ty! I love this book! 5/5⭐
The Reptile Room, Movie Tie-in Edition (A Series of Unfortunate Events, Book 2)
By Lemony Snicket
Wow. This book was amazingly written. These stories r so interesting that I finish these books and only an hour! It keeps making the readers wanting more and more. Luckily there r so many more books for me to read in this series! Ok so this book is abt how Violet (the inventor age 14) Klaus (the reader age 12) and Sunny ( the bitter move into a new home. After what count Olaf did to them at their old home,Mr. Poe, that has been finding new guardians for them, found their uncle Monty. His name is Montgomery Montgomery. But the kids call him uncle Monty because he doesn't like his name. He is a snake scientist and he has an entire room full of adventurous snakes. When the kids moved in,they settled very quickly, bc their uncle Monty is so kind and thoughtful. Until Monty hires a new assistant, but little did he know it was Count Olaf in disguise as Stephano! Count Olaf tried everything to take the kids,even trying to take them to peru! After his plans never seam to work,olaf gets two needles together,adds poisonous deadly snake venom,and kills uncle monty. The kids know it was him,but bc the needles look like snake bits,they have no proof. Instead, they r sitting there crying abt there uncle Monty, and thinking abt the lasts moments they had together. What happens next is crazy, but I don't want to spoil it so read this one to find out! Love this book I totally recommend it! 5 stars
The Bad Beginning (A Series of Unfortunate Events, Book 1)
By Lemony Snicket
Violet, Klaus, and Sunny Baudelaire lived a happy life in their mansion with their parents. Violet was an inventor, Klaus loved to read, and Sunny had four sharp teeth that she bit everything with. But on one unexpected day, Mr. Poe, a banker, told the children that their parents died in a fire. Their parents had a big fortune that would go to Violet once she came of age. Their parents' wills had clearly stated the children must be raised by a relative. The children were sent to live with Count Olaf. He gave them hard chores to do everyday, and did not give them great living conditions. After living with Count Olaf for awhile, Violet, Klaus, and Sunny figured out he wanted the fortune. He cooked up a plan to get the Baudelaire fortune, and it was up to Violet, Klaus, and Sunny to stop him. I loved this book, and I could not put it down. Lemony Snicket does a great job, and I feel as if I am in the story; it is as if I am chopping wood with them and feeling their misery. I recommend this book to boys and girls ages 10+.
Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 15
By Jeff Kinney
The misfortunes and misadventures of the Heffley family still make me laugh, although I’m beginning to think Murphy’s law should be renamed Heffley’s law as luck so rarely seems to be on their side! A quick read that entertains and amuses with situations that are often comparable with and relatable to our own unfortunate happenings. The story continues while the family ended up losing their house after the extra house construction drama which did more harm than good. Aunt Reba, thank you for the chaos in this series 🤦 I see a huge improvement in the writing and how it's being presented but the illustrations are almost the same. But I am quite happy about this sequel. The story makes sense. There's humour and there's adventure. And moreover, Rodrick's my forever meme representation. He's just zzzzing 😂🤦 The family is trying to save as much as possible but they have to have a family adventure together. So off they go to a road adventure borrowing Uncle Gary's camper van. I just couldn't bear the second hand embarrassment the family had to face following the trip 🤦😂 The characters are fun. More fun I would say. The story well planned out with much details. The art is amazing as always. Minimal yet effectively entertaining! Some parts did remind of Tarzan's story gone wrong! And then a bit later on all the summer fun and adventure become alive. Yes, it would have been so much better to read this one during the summer! All those water and adventure vibes! Hahahahah! That skunk scene 🤣😂 And the bear in the end. I am so saying no to road trips like this! But I thoroughly enjoyed reading the 'mis'adventures of this one! 4 stars
The Bad Guys in Alien vs Bad Guys (The Bad Guys #6)
By Aaron Blabey
I loved Bad Guys because It was really funny and it taught some really good life lessons including being a good book for kids that are ages 7+ because of a lot of yelling but its still a good read aloud book for younger kids. I really hope everyone will enjoy this book like I did. Some following good things about it: Its a awesome way to show kids how to read and look forward to each chapter or page. And its also pretty interesting because of all the animals and more. Kids can pick all different voices for each character! Enjoy!
Junie B. Jones and the Stupid Smelly Bus (Junie B. Jones, No. 1)
By Barbara Park
Meet Junie B. Jones!! "The B. Stands for Beatrice. Except I don't like Beatrice, I like B. and that's all." It’s the first day of kindergarten. But Junie B. did not like riding the bus to school. She thinks its scary and that meanie ol' Jim rides that bus. Only guess what? Junie B. is an excellent hider. So, at the end of the day when everyone lines up to go home . . . . but Junie B. Jones finds her way out of riding the bus, and doesn’t get on. I really liked this book, it kind of reminded me of my kindergarten years, both of my parents worked so they couldn't take me to school. I was really scared about the bus, but I saw some of my friends on there and felt pretty comfortable. I love Barbra parks she is a GREAT author!!!!!