Kids Books - Trending Books
Camp Ghost-Away (Pee Wee Scouts)
By Judy Delton
Camp-Ghost Away Pee Wee Scouts By Judy Delton. Mrs. Peters Troop Leader plus one mother will go to camp too. Pee Wee Scouts call their camp Camp Ghost Away.
The Maze of Bones (39 Clues, No. 1)
By Rick Riordan
"You have a choice - one million dollars or a clue." - Author of Percy Jackson and the Olympians, the 39 Clues is a Cahill family competition. You either pick the million dollars or get the first clue. The Cahill family is the world's most powerful family. Name someone, they are in the family. Abraham Lincoln, Benjamin Franklin. Anybody. Even Amy and Dan didn't know they were related to people that famous. How could they be poor then? Who were their mom and dad? They had a lot of questions. Now they were stuck with their aunt. Their Grandmother Grace Cahill had left them. She was a great grandmother. I liked that Rick Riordan used words to describe the character's feelings at the time. Their au revoire is Nellie, who will take them all over the world. This book was really good. They find Clue 2 when they thought someone took it from them. I would recommend this book to mystery lovers and action lovers. I rate this 5 stars.
Kickoff! (Barber Game Time Books)
By Tiki Barber, Ronde Barber
"Kickoff" by Tiki and Ronde Barber tells the childhood of two NFl brothers, Tiki and Ronde Barber. They are kids going into middle school. They were smart kids until middle school because of the new change.They play football on the streets everyday after school.The towns council wants to build a factory but it will pollute the air. Their mom stands up against the town's council. The brothers sign up for football and have tryouts. They find out what position and string they play. They go and practice with the teams best quarterback. They sit on the bench most of the games. The teams 1st string running back got injured and Tiki becomes the new back up. Tiki got mad at the coach and the coach puts him in and he bluffs it up. At the last game they both play. Tiki and Ronde Barber were good football players who learned sometimes if you be patient you will get your chance. They both inspired me and if you read this book hopefully you will be inspired too.
The One Hundredth Day of School (Ready, Freddy! (Prebound Numbered))
By Abby Klein
The one 100th day of school was approaching for Freddy, Freddy and his classmates each had to bring 100 of something to school. Freddy had a great idea, to bring 100 of his shark trading cards but he only had 21! How can he get 79 more before the 100th day of school? Read the book to find out what happens next!
Dork Diaries 10: Tales from a Not-So-Perfect Pet Sitter
By Rachel Renée Russell
Nikki pet sits 8 puppys and a dog.Nikki and Brandon go to fuzzy friends.Nikki and Brandon see a dog and a box.The box said for Holly.In the the box are some cute puppys.Nikki,Brandon,and Zoey take turns taking care of them.Nikki has some TROUBLE. Brianna is Nikki's sister.She is in LOVE with the pups.BUT ... SHE MADE THE HOUSE MESSY! The pups are covered with all sorts of things.I felt really grossed out.Her friends, Brandon and Max help her clean the mess. She is lucky because she has good friends. Nikki brings the pups to school. She hid them in the principals office.I LOVE THIS BOOK! I felt scared when she hid them in the principals office.I liked the part where Max and Brandon helped her.I recommend it for people writing in the diarys. This is a very cute and very hard to take your eyes off the book!! WOW! WOW!
Magic Tree House #21: Civil War on Sunday
Silver War on Sunday by Marry Pope Osborne. It tells about a boy and a girl named Jake and Annie. Who went on a magic tree house bake to the silver War. There they saw tents they went down by the tents and meet a nurse named Clara Barton. She asked Annie and Jake to help the wounded solders. Jake and Annie were brave an saved many solders life.
The Candy Smash (The Lemonade War Series)
By Jacqueline Davies
The fourth book in the Lemonade Wars series follows the life of Evan, a fourth grader who wrestles with a secret crush, Valentines Day arts and crafts, and discovering his true self. His younger sister, Jessie is trying to make Evan's fourth grade year as miserable as possible. The precocious journalist believes everything should be publi; Evan however, believes in privacy. As these two siblings battle eaxh other, they first have to make it through fourth grade. Davies presents a true coming-of-age story of self-discovery, that is sure to entertain fans of the Lemonade Wars series. What I thought about it: I usually prefer first-person point pf views, but in this case I love the third person narrative. The author perfectly described every character's feelings exceedingly well. The hardships that the characters had to overcome were relatable to me, and the story was realistic. The book kind of reminds me of Andrew Clements' novels which I love. The short entries of poetry were very enlightening. I've noticed that the books have become more and more serious as the series progresses, and I hate to admit it, but that's just part of growing up. The added twist to the story was the mystery of the candy hearts and I think that it tied the story together very well. Overall I think that boys and girls alike would enjoy this story. ~ifeelbookish
Words on Fire
By Jennifer A. Nielsen
Audra knows her parents are up to something. So, when her parents are debating something important about telling Audra something, she wishes to know what. The Russian Cossack have banned Lithuanian books, religion, culture, and the language. This makes a ton of people who live in Lithuania annoyed. You would get into big trouble if you were caught speaking Lithuanian or practicing the religion. Audra is even more confused when an angry crowd of Russian Cossack soldiers appear at their door. Her dad motions for Audra and Audra’s mother to flee while he stalls them. Soon Audra’s mother and father can’t go on. In a hurry, they hand her an important package, that Audra has no idea what's inside, and tell her to run. This means abandoning her parents to a terrible, horrible, tragic fate. Meaning the Russian soldiers will do what they like with them. That never means something good. Audra runs for it though, figuring if she doesn’t get caught too, she can figure out a way to save her parents. She joins a secret group of book smugglers and learns how books are more that just words. But will she give it up to save her parents?
By Jen Wang
This book talks about Christine and the moon. Moon and her mom were poor so there was a lady who said that the moon can get food . Then Christine's mom said that they can move next door.Ten moon does tell Christine her deepest secrets. moon also wishes that she can be bold because her favorite pop song has her hair bold then moon show Christine how the song goes.Then moon needed to get brain surgery and Christine thought that was her fault.
The 78-Story Treehouse
By Andy Griffiths
This book was good. I liked it because it was worded very well and the pictures made it come to life in a way that other books don't. If anyone thought that the other books in the series were the weirdest, well, this one was crazier! It was about two kids named Andy and Terry who are making a treehouse movie, but Andy keeps bothering the director and so he gets thrown out of his own home! It doesn't really matter if you read the books before it to understand it. I think this book fits all the categories so I would recommend it to everyone!