Kids Books - Trending Books

A Forever Friend (Marguerite Henry's Misty Inn)

A Forever Friend (Marguerite Henry's Misty Inn)

By Judy Katschke

misty inn is a up and running and Willa is very excited her best friend form Chicago is coming to visit, but Willa is nerves BC they haven't seen each other in almost a year. Willa wants her friendship with Kate to last for ever! but will it? If you like reading books about friendship you'll like reading this book, by Judy Katcnke.

Kodiak (The Puppy Place #56)

Kodiak (The Puppy Place #56)

By Ellen Miles

Kodiak by Ellen Miles tells about when Lizzie and her friends go on a trip to a cabin in the woods and find a lost malamute. They name is Kodiak and he stays with them until the end of their trip, but during the trip they lose him. After searching for a while, they found him under the porch of a cabin. When they get back from their trip will they find the perfect home? Read more of the book to find out!

Roll with It

Roll with It

By Jamie Sumner

Roll with it by Jamie Sumner tells about a young girl Ellie Cowan tells about her life with Cebral Palsey. As a young girl in a wheel chair Ellies life is tough. It Is hard to find friends but when her and her mom move in with her grand parents to help take care of her grandpa. She also is a very talented baker. When they move she has to start all over again at a new school and in a new town,but she is not just a new kid she is a new kid in a wheel chair who lives in a trailer park on the wrong side of town. Now she has to convince her mom this might be the best thing that ever happened.

Warriors Super Edition: Bluestar's Prophecy

Warriors Super Edition: Bluestar's Prophecy

By Erin Hunter

This is the best book ever in the Warriors series! It’s so sad, but also heartwarming! I loved Bluestar, because she’s such a brave and headstrong cat. She faces her fears in a way that I can only call exemplary, and I think she’s a great role model for all readers. The story starts with her as a kitten named Bluekit. She has always been peaceful and safe with her sister, Snowfur, and her mother, Moonflower. But when she becomes an apprentice, receiving the name Bluepaw, and begins her training to hunt and fight like the wild cat she is, Moonflower dies in a terrible battle. Angry and grieving, Bluepaw feels like she can never become a true warrior. And when a cat named Goosefeather gives her a prophecy—“You will blaze through the forest like fire. Only water can destroy you”—she gets even more frustrated. What are these cryptic words supposed to mean? No one knows...except for Goosefeather, of course. Meanwhile, tensions are rising between Bluepaw, (now a warrior named Bluefur) and her sister, Snowfur. When Snowfur gets hit by a monster—a strange object that the two-legged creatures near their territory drive around in—Bluefur’s heart is torn in half. The only thing that makes her happy is seeing Oakheart, a tom. But their relationship is forbidden...and if any cat finds out, they might be banished from their homes, and everything they have ever known. Can Bluefur make the right decision? Read this book to find out!

Supernova (Amulet #8)

Supernova (Amulet #8)

By Kazu Kibuishi

Title: Amulet Supernova Author: Kazu Kabuishi Genre: Shi-fi/Fantasy I would give this a 3/5 because they always end with a cliff hanger which I personally get angry about, whoever I do like how Emily takes off the elf kings mask! What's interesting to me is the fact that she has a kid. I wonder who his dad is or if she adopted him? I would recommend this book for 4th grade to 6th grade because when your in 6th grade it might be too easy for you. If you're in 3rd grade you may get scared of the events in this novel like when the elf kind has no mask on.

Save Me a Seat

Save Me a Seat

By Sarah Weeks, Gita Varadarajan

When you hear the name Albert Einstein, you think of the words smart of intelligent, but at Albert Einstein Elementary school that's not the case. When Ravi was back home in India, he was the best student, he was athletic, had a best friend, was very good in math, and pretty much aced school. At his new school, Albert Einstein Elementary School everything is the opposite of what he thought! He can't seem to impress his teacher with his smarts, he has zero friends, the class bully, Dillion, calls him Curryhead, and everything here at this new school is different than in his old school back in India. Joe has lived in America since forever! He goes to Albert Einstein Elementary School and hates every subject except for lunch. He also hates Dillion for always bullying him. Not to mention he hates the Dillion wannabees and the girls in his class, because they are Dillion fans. But when Ravi comes along maybe now is his chance to finally have a friend and maybe school won't be so bad after all! I really enjoyed 'Save Me A Seat', by Sarah Weeks and Gita Varadarajan. I highly recommend this book! Happy reading!

The White Giraffe

The White Giraffe

By Lauren St. John

"White Giraffe by Lauren St. John tells about 11 year old Martine and a white giraffe." One night Martine was sleeping but woke up to a hot and tingling sensation just to realize her house was on fire. After, her parents died due to the fire she had to move all the way from England to Africa. She had to go live with her grandmother that she had never heard about.. One night she SWORE she saw something that sort of looked like a giraffe out her window. But it was white.. She decided to go outside and look for it. But she found nothing. Another night she decided to look for it again. There it was, her looking up at it and it looking down at her. They made a connection. A strong connection. The giraffe saved, but she decided not to tell her grandmother. She was scared she was get mad at her for going outside at night, or worse, she was scared that she would do something bad to the giraffe, so she decided to not tell ANYONE. Martine's grandmother and parents knew she always had a connection with animals.

I Survived the Great Chicago Fire, 1871 (I Survived #11)

I Survived the Great Chicago Fire, 1871 (I Survived #11)

By Lauren Tarshis

Oscar Starling was an 11 year old boy who never wanted to go to Chicago. When he was at his farm in Castle a few years ago his dad died in a blizzard. But since that happened things have changed. His mom married another man named Mr. Morrow, he was an artist in Chicago. When he was there he painted a picture of the farm. When he and they left Castle they went to Chicago. At the train station there the suitcases were taken by a girl. Oscar followed her to her house from the Palmer House Hotel. At her house embers were flying everywhere making new fires.

The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane

The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane

By Kate DiCamillo

Edward Tulane a special rabbit, being custom-made for 10-year-old Abilene Tulane by her grandmother Pellegrina. One day while going to family trips, Edward got lost beside a beach. Luckly, a fisherman and his wife found Edward, and decided to take him home. In the home of the fisherman and his wife, Although Edward was "connected" with them, he still ends up in a garbage dump. From there he is rescued by a tramp named Bull and his dog Lucy. Entering a life of great adventure he learns to enjoy the songs and stories. And so he listened. And in his listening, his heart opened wide and then wider still. After many years with Bull and Lucy, a little boy assume that Edward is just what his sick four-year-old sister needs. Sara Ruth, her little sister, makes Edward realize he has a heart because it breaks when she dies. Bryce, Sara Ruth's brother, proves to be one of the most tender of characters when he turns Edward's broken body over to a doll maker after the rabbits' head has been shattered. Will he keep the broken rabbit, or let it be restored to make another child happy? Bryce's sacrifice, in the face of his grief over his sister, is very touching. Finally, in the shop of the doll maker, Edward is unexpectedly discovered by someone who has always loved him. This story is talking about how only a rabbit doll can have love, and we should all love things surrounding us.

Dork Diaries 13: Tales from a Not-So-Happy Birthday

Dork Diaries 13: Tales from a Not-So-Happy Birthday

By Rachel Renée Russell

Nikki is planning a giant party with Chloe and Zoey. They plan a giant Luau themed Birthday party with over one hundred of Nikki's friends including Chloe and Zoey and her crush Brandon. She does eventually invite Mackenzie Hollister to her party. They need at least 250$ to rent the pool and at least 200$ to get their luau themed decorations, but Nikki has only 8.73$ and that is not close enough to their budget. She shows the plans to her mother hoping that her mother would pay for her birthday party, but Mrs. Maxwell is planning something else. Mrs. Maxwell wants to cut the budget to 100$ and even worse wants to have belly dancers to do the dancing for the party and have their party in the backyard. She starts to panic and she gives the invitations to Chloe to keep and decided that the party was canceled. The invitations get accidentally mailed out and it is an adventure to find them. Then one day when Nikki still was really sad about the invitations being lost, she has to take care of her little sister Brianna. She is watching TV when she was taking care of Brianna. Brianna goes to the bark and sells her delicious bark bites and gets a lot of money. She eventually runs out of Bark Bites and Nikki announces that the business is closed permanently, but then Brianna screams fill out these order forms or check out my website which will be coming soon. Brianna makes a deal to Nikki and said that if Nikki helps with the website than she would have half the money the earned. When Nikki added up the money it was 970$. This means that if they split it in half they would get more than 400$ each. Nikki helped with the bark bites and got the 400$. She Chloe and Zoey get all the supplies and they have a great party!

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