I think this book was very scary.

Middle School Bites
By Steven Banks
Tom is desperate to fit in at school, but he's hungry and howling, not to mention half dead . Blame it on the vampire - and the werewolf - and the zombie - in this monstrously funny new series from SpongeBob SquarePants head writer Steven Banks.
"Fast! Funny! Fresh!" - Chris Grabenstein, #1 New York Times best-selling author of the Mr. Lemoncello's Library series
"What are you waiting for? Open this book right now!" - Tom Angleberger, New York Times best-selling author of the Origami Yoda series
Thanks to a series of unfortunate bites, eleven-year-old Tom is a triple threat: he's a Vam-Wolf-Zom. And just in time for the first day of middle school. So much for his Invisible Tom Plan. He never thought to make a What If I Turn Into A Vampire Werewolf Zombie Plan. Maybe it's time for a Run Away and Live Somewhere Else Plan?
With the help of his irrepressible best friend, Zeke, Tom tries to accept his future. Zeke thinks being a Vam-Wolf-Zom sounds EXCELLENT! (Zeke thinks everything sounds EXCELLENT!) At least he'll be able to stand up to the sixth-grade bully. The question is will the rest of Hamilton Middle School accept the Vam-Wolf-Zom, too?
Tom's toothsome saga is illustrated with clever, cartoon-style art on every spread. Created by an Emmy-nominated writer for SpongeBob, The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron, and CatDog, this new series is perfect for fans of Diary of a Wimpy Kid and The Last Kids on Earth. EXCELLENT!
Book Reviews (27)
I haven’t read it but it seems great
Will this horrible day ever come to any kid in the future? Hopefully not. Tom is a vam-wolf-zom, and has the dualities of becoming hairy in the night (wolf), drinks blood (vampire), and acts differently depending on the Sun (zombie). So when everything gets put together, will he really be able to escape the truth and make himself back to normal? With the help of a friend, he learns to accept the truth and wanders in the school halls as a van-wolf-zom. It is quite a tale and teaches how to accept the reality and move on, something that's important.
I got this book, and let me tell you: It is so awesome! Tom Marks is a middle school student who just wants to fit in. But that might prove to be a challenge, especially since Tom is a VAM-WOLF-ZOM! (vampire, werewolf, and zombie) In school, his plans about fitting in fail. What to do now? I really liked this book because of its rich humor and text. Half of the book is with pictures, which I usually do not like, but in this book, it gives you a greater in-depth knowledge about the text.
Brilliant amazing what can I say it is very nice also book it is a amazing book and very nice
Very scary!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love it!:)
good book and kool!
A very scary book
Good book! HEY! And I know the author. If you have a crush on me than say I like cute. Oh! I am a girl. Kiss.😘
Hey! Guys! @Cute used to be me, but I got signed in! This is actually what I look like in real life