Nice book 👌👍 to read

Middle School Bites
By Steven Banks
Tom is desperate to fit in at school, but he's hungry and howling, not to mention half dead . Blame it on the vampire - and the werewolf - and the zombie - in this monstrously funny new series from SpongeBob SquarePants head writer Steven Banks.
"Fast! Funny! Fresh!" - Chris Grabenstein, #1 New York Times best-selling author of the Mr. Lemoncello's Library series
"What are you waiting for? Open this book right now!" - Tom Angleberger, New York Times best-selling author of the Origami Yoda series
Thanks to a series of unfortunate bites, eleven-year-old Tom is a triple threat: he's a Vam-Wolf-Zom. And just in time for the first day of middle school. So much for his Invisible Tom Plan. He never thought to make a What If I Turn Into A Vampire Werewolf Zombie Plan. Maybe it's time for a Run Away and Live Somewhere Else Plan?
With the help of his irrepressible best friend, Zeke, Tom tries to accept his future. Zeke thinks being a Vam-Wolf-Zom sounds EXCELLENT! (Zeke thinks everything sounds EXCELLENT!) At least he'll be able to stand up to the sixth-grade bully. The question is will the rest of Hamilton Middle School accept the Vam-Wolf-Zom, too?
Tom's toothsome saga is illustrated with clever, cartoon-style art on every spread. Created by an Emmy-nominated writer for SpongeBob, The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron, and CatDog, this new series is perfect for fans of Diary of a Wimpy Kid and The Last Kids on Earth. EXCELLENT!
Book Reviews (27)
This book was kool 5 stars :)
I would love to read this book of The Middle School Bites because I never read this book before even though it has my favorite monster which is the werewolves and it makes me want to have shape shifting powers so I could shape shift into anything,anyone ,anytime,and anytime I want to.And I also want to shape shift into this werewolf myself so I could do anything I want to.And I would love to learn to draw this magnificent monster called the werewolf and any other mythical creatures,any aliens all Ben 10 series and shows on cartoon network.
A book that features Tom and then he god to the middleton school, then, It bite somewhere. A bat, a wolf, and finally a zombie, things are NOT gonna happen, especially Tom, now the vamp-wolf zom was disguised but no Tom. Isn't it? I saw last night a comic, somewhere in my library. Enjoy best books EVER!!! Hope ya like this cutey book, kinda scary. That exciting.
best. book. EVER!
This is a very cool book thars what I thing😊
Middle School Bites is about a boy named Tom who is just starting middle school. Unfortunately for him he gets bitten by a vampire, a werewolf and a zombie just before middle school starts! Tom’s original plan was to to be “Invisible Tom” but not anymore with him looking like a vam-wolf-zom. Tom has lots of fun with his new powers like being very strong and fast, but at school he gets bullied for how he looks and he is always thirsty for blood. Middle School Bites is a book full of humor and fun! I would recommend for readers 9-12 who like: funny books, books with monsters, or books with mostly text but illustrations throughout the pages. :)
This book is about a kid named Tom who got bit by a vampire, werewolf, and a zombie on the last day of summer break which was also the day before middle school. Tom got the first bite at 2:54 AM. Tom got the second bite at 5:54 AM running through the woods. Tom got the third bite at a creepy and old gas station. The first bite was from a vampire. The second bite was from a werewolf. And the third bite was from a zombie. The problem is that Tom wants to hide that he is a vampire and a werewolf and a zombie. This book is not one of my favorites, but I still like it. If you like monsters you should read this book.
You've gotten bit by a mosquito before, right? So annoying! But that's NOTHING compared to eleven-year-old Tom. He got bit by a BAT, a WEREWOLF, and... a ZOMBIE?!? And right before the start of middle school, too! Tom was so ready to have a relaxed first day of middle school, one in which he could just blend in to avoid being noticed by anyone but his best friend Zeke, and his crush, Annie. But walking into middle school as a VAM-WOLF-ZOM?? It was going to be a crazy year, that's for sure. All of Tom's senses sharpen, especially his smell and night vision, he develops sharp vampire teeth, and even becomes a werewolf on full moons! And he seems to be developing a tasting for super-super-rare hamburgers... This book is a wild rise! You'll love reading this funny, wacky adventure as Tom ventures through 6th grade, not totally human, but totally interesting. I personally thought this book was awesome, and it kept me laughing chapter after chapter. The great graphics and story kept me engaged through the whole book and wanting a sequel ASAP! I would recommend this book to anyone ages 9+ and I rate it 4/5 stars!
Wow!@callie_b that was an amazing reveiw!