Kids Books - Trending Books
Sing Down the Moon
By Scott O'Dell
I like it so far! Bright morning and her friend at grazing there sheep on the mesa.A storm happens and bright morning leaves her sheep! Her mom makes her get them her mom gave her the cold shoulder. Her mom didn't let her graze the sheep again that summer. The next spring came Bright morning was allowed to graze the sheep! When Bright morning and running bird are on the mesa they see there swarm enimes (one of them) The long knives! They were coming to capture them so they can become slaves! They took the girls to a town and left them with there new people. Luckily they meet a girl and she helps them escape! On the way back to there indian home they run into bright mornings crush.He and his friend help them get home. They relized they were being followed. Tall boy her crush kills the leader! The other guys ran away they were hiding. So then they got home.There other people enimes tell them to leave there him homes. They had no choice! They left cannon de chelly and camped out in the woods! They burned there homes and ruinened there crops! There enimes now found out they were hiding in the woods. So that is where I am hope that you liked my review!✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻
Weird But True Ocean
By National Geographic Kids
This book is great for young kids who are eager to learn amazing ,interesting and gross facts about the ocean. From learning that Hawaii's white, sandy, beaches are actually made of parrotfish poop (Yuck!) to learning 299 more amazing facts about the world's oceans. Did you know that a stonefish'es spikes can pierce through a Polar Bear's fur on it's paw? That means a if a polar bear steps on a stonefish, it could be fatal !
Ultimate Oceanpedia: The Most Complete Ocean Reference Ever (National Geographic Kids)
By Christina Wilsdon
Wow this is so cool I love sea creatures
Extreme Ocean: Amazing Animals, High-Tech Gear, Record-Breaking Depths, and More
By Sylvia Earle, Glen Phalen
Cool! I really want to read this- or maybe my brother does more :) He really likes these kind of books- If anyone has read this please reply and tell me :)
The Ultimate Book of Sharks
By Brian Skerry
The Ultimate Book of Sharks is filled with amazing facts and pictures! Every page you see in this book is guaranteed with a new fact, a new picture, and color. I was not interested in sharks that much, but when I read this book I was amazed by the pictures of these beautiful sharks. I also was very interested in the facts, and this is actually the first time I've picked up a shark book in 3 years. This National Geographic book is one of the best I've probably read so far. I rate it 5/5 and recommend it to ages 7-16.
King of the Wind
By Marguerite Henry
Agba, a young horse-boy who was very fond of horses. Who is unable to say any words at all. His stallion, Sham which meaning "sun" in Arabic because of Sham's emblem of circle which shaped like sun. Unlike any other horses, Sham was little but with strong legs and shining coat. Exciting uprising in the book like that Sham had met a mare, Roxana, had 3 colts, Lach, Cades, and Regulus. And Sham is also well-known by his another name of Godolphins Arabian. - Happy Reading!
Justin Morgan Had a Horse
By Marguerite Henry
Justin Morgan, a schoolmaster along with the young scholar; Joel Goss. Justin Morgan had two horses; Ebenezer and Little Bub. Ebenezer was sold first, easily while Little Bub did not because of Bub's small appearance. Soon of later in the story, Bub became recognized by challenging various of horses to race while pulling the heavy logs. But sadly later in the story, Justin Morgan had contacted an illness which had caused him to die, but before he had died; he wrote Joel a letter while Joel was in his seven years of apprenticeship. This book is actually based on true story on real Justin Morgan with his horse, Figure. - Happy Reading!
The Hidden Kingdom (Wings of Fire, Book 3)
By Tui T. Sutherland
Rainwings have the most powerful weapons on the whole Pyrrhia, however, they don’t like to use it on other dragons, instead, they enjoy sleeping. Therefore, everyone thought Rainwings are weak and lazy. Few days ago, Mom finally bought me the whole set of Wings of Fire, I immediately rip open and start reading. In this book, the five dragonets of prophecy decided to travel to Glory’s home, the Rainwing Kingdom. They found out all Rainwings have a secret weapon, that is to be able to spit out the poison venom. As the story developed more, evil came to the Rainwings. They need to fight against the hungry Nightwings to survive. Rainwings don’t like to fight, so they didn’t train for it, however, under Glory’s lead, they slowly figure out how to use their secret weapon. This is probably one of my favorite book, because it shows how brave Glory is, and the five dragonets never give up on saving the world, ending the war.
The Viper's Nest (The 39 Clues, Book 7)
By Peter Lerangis
Journeys and much more clues are coming but this time it starts in the 39 clues, The vipers nest. In this journey of the 39 clues Amy and Dan has to go and hunt for the 39 clues and has to be prepared really closely that can lead them to an unimaginable power that will lead them by being taken by a heavy toll with them seeing a woman that died, but somehow gets wanted and chased by the Indonesian police and ends up getting trapped on a island with this man knowing everything about their parents of their death, which leaves them facing a tropical storm. Just when they think it can't get any worse but ends up to will since the Cahills have one more rattling skeleton for Amy and Dan to reach the way of discover for the terrible truth about their family branch... I found this book filled with wonder and excitement, connects you through the story leaving u with a rhetorical ending of what will happen next.
Summary: The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo
By Millionaire Mindset Publishing
It is a must-read for people who want to be a tidy person. It took me one year to fully change into the life I wanted to live!🤣😜