Kids Books - Trending Books

Jacky Ha-Ha

Jacky Ha-Ha

By James Patterson, Chris Grabenstein

Does the name "Jacky Ha-Ha" ring a bell? It might if you've read Mr. Patterson's bestselling hit series, I Funny. But if you haven't, don't despair! This book was new, original, and I loved it all the more because it reminded me of Jamie Grimm (from the I Funny series) yet had a completely unique and different character, Jacky! What I absolutely loved about this book is the timeline it's set in; the 1990's. Sadly, nowadays you don't really get books that are set in the past unless they're thick history books that have been collecting dust for the last few decades; which is why I really enjoyed this book. Not set so far back in the past that I find myself completely unable to relate to Jacky, but set nicely a decade or two ago so that I can enjoy learning what her life was like. Overall, really entertaining, (plus I LOVE her jokes, her fiery spirit, and her acrobatic abilities *wink*), heartwarming, and it definitely makes me dying to read the next book if this turns out to be a series!

The Underland Chronicles Complete Boxed Set, Books 1-5: Gregor the Overlander, Gregor and the Prophecy of Bane, Gregor and the Curse of the Warmbloods, Gregor and the Marks of Secret, and Gregor and the Code of Claw

The Underland Chronicles Complete Boxed Set, Books 1-5: Gregor the Overlander, Gregor and the Prophecy of Bane, Gregor and the Curse of the Warmbloods, Gregor and the Marks of Secret, and Gregor and the Code of Claw

By Suzanne Collins

These books are sooooo good! At first I didn't even want to read them, but my brother told me to, and I still owe him to this day. I love the characters (especially and the story line, and.... well, all of it! Suzanne Collins (she also wrote the Hunger Games..... read that too!) put together an amazing story. I totally recommend these books to anyone who seeks a little adventure and excitement in their reading!

I Survived #6: I Survived the Attacks of September 11th, 2001

I Survived #6: I Survived the Attacks of September 11th, 2001

By Lauren Tarshis

To be honest, I absolutely love the I Survived series. The whole series is basically in the point of view of a person who survived a war, a horrible event, a terrorism attack, etc. It's basically a history book, but it sounds like a narrative and it's really to-the-point. This book is about Lucas, who loves football. When he gets a concussion during practice, the doctor says that his concussion is really bad for an 11-year-old. Lucas' parents decide that the sport is too dangerous, now that he has a concussion. Lucas has to talk to Uncle Benny, who taught him everything about football. He hopes that Uncle Benny can change his parents' mind. So, Lucas skips school and visits Uncle Benny (who is a firefighter in New York) and his dad, who works with Uncle Benny in the fire department. While they are talking, they were heading toward the Twin Towers when the first plane crashed! Uncle Benny and the firefighters (including Lucas' dad) tries to save as many people as they can. Lucas, on the other hand, tries to help as best as he can, but the room they are in collapses! Will everyone (or anyone) get out alive? Read this book to find out. I would not recommend this book to younger readers, because this is a very serious topic and not appropriate for them. Even though this was a short read, it made plenty of emotions rush through me - fear, angst, horror, and even happiness and relief. It kept me on the edge of my seat and I wept a little wept occasionally. One more thing: terrorism is an awful, awful thing, and I just hope that we can achieve world peace one day. Even if we do have one golden minute of world peace, I feel everything would crumble down again.. I'm sorry. I love this book, but I would subtract one star for not having a very good base or anything I can connect to.

I Survived #4: I Survived the Bombing of Pearl Harbor, 1941

I Survived #4: I Survived the Bombing of Pearl Harbor, 1941

By Lauren Tarshis

I love this book! It is about a boy who lives in pearl harbor and his experience of the bomb hitting Pearl Harbor. This book is a page-turner! I certainly recommend it!

I Survived Hurricane Katrina, 2005

I Survived Hurricane Katrina, 2005

By Lauren Tarshis

I read a book last year, about the great Chicago fire. As I was reading this book, i realized that it's very similar because they both are 11 years old and worry about the same things like family, friends, their home, etc. The main character is 11 year Barry Tuckers is with his friend on his porch when his dad comes out of his house and says get packed there's a catagory 5 hurricane coming. He gets packed and get on the road only to see a HUGE traffic jam and his little sister gets sick, so they turn back. That night the hurricane approaches and water starts to flood the house, they are forced to keep traveling higher in their house until they get to the attic. Water keeps coming to they have to get onto the roof , once their on the winds are so strong Barry flies off the roof and into the water. The rest may still be a secret until you read the book! Now ,my connection to this book is I was in the car on the highway and a terrible storm and we had to stop, the wind was so loud and trees started falling.

I Survived the Shark Attacks of 1916

I Survived the Shark Attacks of 1916

By Lauren Tarshis

Nice book i read about a boy who faces a life long impact challenge of getting his leg bitten off, by the great white shark!

I Survived the Sinking of the Titanic, 1912

I Survived the Sinking of the Titanic, 1912

By Lauren Tarshis

''UNSINKABLE!!'' Well, not exactly. This is a historical fiction book, taking place on April 15th 1912, but you should already know your history! George Calder is the main character in this short (but still very awesome) novel. He boards the Titanic for one reason-- to see his father! George explores the inside of the soon-to-sink cruise ship, he even tries to find a mummy in the ship! But at precisely 2:20 AM on a COLD, LONELY night, the ship SINKS. The novel portrays exactly what it must've been like when the guests realized the ship WAS SINKING! Screaming, the sound of waves crashing, the devastating wreck, and how George felt about this terribly awful situation! I promise you this book isn't just the titanic sinking, it has more, it has more about George's life and why he's crossing the titanic, and the aftermath of it ALL. I recommend you READ IT because it SURE sent shivers down MY spine and it was so TENSE to read!

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

By J.K. Rowling

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is the third instalment in the Harry Potter series, and is by the incomparable JK Rowling. The Harry Potter series are described as 'children books', however, in my opinion, whether you're twelve or twenty two, I highly recommend them!! Now after a long summer (and some aunt abusing antics), Harry is back at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, with his trusty best friends: Ron and Hermione. Yet, secret and mysterious things are happening in the wizarding world, and Harry is not safe from the dark and dangerous people at large. Who is the infamous Sirius Black, who escaped from the notorious wizard prison: Azkaban? And what could the fugitive Black possibly want with Harry? Harry, Ron and Hermione, spend another magical year at Hogwarts, where Harry learns far more about his past then he could have expected. As always with Rowling's books, I loved Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban! JK Rowling's words have a curious habit of coming to life, and her characters are funny, and realistic. One of the greatest things about Harry Potter, is that they improve with each book, and you can clearly glimpse the clever, intricate plot Rowling has wove, with cleverly placed foreshadowing and seemingly innocent hints. This book is undoubtedly darker than the previous ones, as Harry learns more and more about the sinister forces that threaten the wizarding world. The characters begin to get more developed and more complex, and an awful lot more interesting. I must warn you though, that once you begin, you'll find it almost impossible to stop! Once you finish, you'll be skimming through it again, finding seemingly obvious clues, thinking 'How did I miss that?!'. If that wasn't enough to get you interested, the Harry Potter covers have recently been redesigned, and they are even more stunning than ever! The Prisoner of Azkaban cover is by far my favourite: Harry heroically brandishing a wand, from which a silver stag has erupted! To no one's surprise, I give Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban 5/5 stars!

Ramona the Pest

Ramona the Pest

By Beverly Cleary

There was once a little girl. Her name was Ramona. She was just starting Kindergarten. In Kindergarten, Ramona had so much fun. Her teacher, Ms. Binney was so kind and understanding. One day her teacher scolded her. Then she sadly gone home. Read the book to find out what happens next. I liked this book because it was fun to read and it had Ramona being very funny.

Grace Stirs it Up (American Girl Today)

Grace Stirs it Up (American Girl Today)

By Mary Casanova

Another adventure starts with Grace Thomas, who finally back home from Paris, only to bought something very memorable; the French bulldog, Bonbon (meaning chocolate in French). She also finally saw her friends; Maddy and Ella. But things between Maddy and Grace started off onto rocky start ever since Grace got back from Paris but later made up. Grace and her friends also started a business which turned out to be great! - Happy Reading!

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