Kids Books - Trending Books
More Strange but True Football Stories (The Punt, Pass & Kick Library, 19)
By Zander Hollander
Beloved sport of the United States across the 50 states in the time range of 1920s-1980s. Football has been around, enteraining over thousands of football fans. This book by Zander Hollander tells us about the crazy events in NFL's games history plus with some players. I really liked this book as a fellow football fan, and my dad also loved football and we would eventually discuss about football and their teams with the players. Would definitely recommend this for any football fans! - Happy Reading!
Hilda and the Troll (Hildafolk)
By Luke Pearson
This book is about a girl named Hilda. One day, while on an adventure to sketch these magical creatures, she finds and troll rock and slowly starts to sketch it. Slowly, she falls asleep and wakes up in a snowstorm. What happens next? Read the book to find out!
By Raina Telgemeier
My dad read this to me a couple years ago, he's an orthodontist. Reading this again gave me some nice nostalgia! It's a great book.Its such a good book lets say that you like dentist, friends, boys,family, school and growing up then smile is the book that you shall read because its a ten star review⭐⭐ really liked this book, and that's saying something because I am not a huge fan of graphic novels. It's an incredible story, and Raina really changes towards the better at the end. Recommended for sure!In this book a teenager named Raina faces a horrible ascendent when she's racing her best friends . now she has to go to her dentist and get braces in the middle of the year . Can a female teenager survive the school year. Read the book to find out. I hope you will enjoy this book the way I did. HAPPY READING!
Stalking Jack the Ripper
By Kerri Maniscalco
Amazing book! I wouldn't call it a horror novel (as said in the description^)... it just has elements of Gothic fiction in it since it takes place in the late 1800s and follows real, actual events that happened in history. For context, Jack the Ripper (also known as the Leather Apron and the Whitechapel Murderer) was an unidentified murderer (he was never caught) known for killing women in London in 1888. The book is mainly a mystery where Audrey Rose Wadsworth, who studies forensics under her uncle, and her uncle's (very) clever student, Thomas Cresswell, are present during the time the murders start and have to use their knowledge and clues from the murders that keep happening to find out who Jack the Ripper is. Overall, I really enjoyed this book and the 3 other books in the series, so if you enjoy this one, I highly recommend finishing the others, which are also based on historical murders. I'm not a huge mystery person, but this series grabbed my attention with its many plot twists and anticipation of finding out the murderer at the end of each book. It's pretty difficult to guess the murderer correctly because the author is so clever at making her readers never even suspect the actual culprit! Happy reading!
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Book 7)
By J. K. Rowling
I haven't read this series in... forever... I read the whole series when I was in third grade... (PRESENT) but I was looking at my mini library... and I saw the thick hardcover book(I even blew out the dust on the cover :P)... and it brought back so many memories :)... I remembered watching the awesome movies (Emma Watson and the twins lol), and going to Orlando to go the World of Harry Potter... NOTE: YOU HAVE TO DRINK THE BUTTERBEER... IT'S AMAZING...I really wished they have something like this in Cali... but I heard they are going to make a Harry Potter World in Universal *squeal* and I am soooooooooooooooooo excited :-D... but now I'm kinda getting off topic... so back to the subject... I blew the dust... and I started reading it over... and this is a *a kind of a SPOILER* So Dumbledore passed away *sobbing* from Snape; and now there are so many sacrifices to protect Harry from the evil Voldemort... Like Mad Eye had passed away *tears* and one of the twins (Fred and George [my fave/hilarious characters] ) got really hurt... by using a potion to look like Harry...but they do arrive at the Burrow.... Anyways they are looking for the Hocruxes to officially get rid of Voldemort for good... Later on a wizard tell Harry, Ron, and Hermoine about the Deathly Hallows... So honestly I really do not want to spoil anything... but here it goes... a lot happens... so most of it there's a lot of action where some people (SPOILER) gets tortured... SPOILER: Also Snape was actually one of the good guys (my suspicion was actually correct... Some of my friends who read these series thought I was crazy :D) *yay...* Anyways they are still looking for the remaining Hocruxes... Will Harry and his friends find the Horcruxes before it is too late? Will Harry defeat Voldemort for good or will he strike back? Well it is up to you to read and find out... PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE READ THIS AMZING BOOK AND SERIES FROM THIS REALLY TALENTED AUTHOR!!! Hope you enjoy :-D!!!!
Emily Windsnap and the Ship of Lost Souls
By Liz Kessler
I love this book! It's about Emily Windswap and her boyfriend went to a mysterious island for a field trip. When they are discovering the island, they saw a strange, ghostly ship. They are the only ones that can see it. The ship gets fainter and fainter every day. The island's keeper, Lyle answered all their questions. Lyle's wife, Lowenna and some people had disappeared and stuck in a secret place called Atlantis. Only Emily, who is half human, half mermaid can save them. Time is running out. Emily went into the portal and rescued them just in time. Lyle and his wife are together again. I recommend this book. It's very exciting. I hope you enjoy it!
Mrs Mike (U)
By B. & N. Freedman
In the cold weather of Canada as Katherine Mary, who also known as just Kathy who is 16 years old with the dreams of having the husband and having the family. When Kathy met the Canadian mount police, Sergeant Mike Flannigan who would be later her husband. Both of them would go through the difficulties of living in the wilderness of Canada while helping Indians, deal with sickness with their two young children, Mary Aroon and Ralph, and also death. But both Kathy and Mike later learned that their love for each other would only make it stronger, getting through those difficult times. - Happy Reading!
Fly Guy Presents: Snakes (Scholastic Reader, Level 2)
By Tedd Arnold
fly guy is cool because he has friends he goes on adventures he has fun and it’s a very very good book you guys should read this book it’s a awesome amazing book
Gaby, Lost and Found
By Angela Cervantes
I love this book and highly recommend it . In this book , there’s a poor cat loving girl,Gaby Howards who has amazing friends and also has a father that is very careless and has a mother that is in Honduras looking for money. She goes to an animal shelter on a field trip and falls in love with a cute and poor cat . They have a lot in common , more than they can think. She goes to write other animal shelter animals’ profiles and when she does, she realizes that she needs Feather, the cat she fell in love with. She steals the cat from the shelter and takes care of the cute cat. When her father walks in and ….. Read more of this inspiring and to find out
Fly Guy Presents: Insects (Scholastic Reader, Level 2)
By Tedd Arnold
It's a really nice book it gives information about insects and what they can do!!!!!!