Kids Books - Trending Books

National Geographic Kids Just Joking 6: 300 Hilarious Jokes, about Everything, including Tongue Twisters, Riddles, and More!

National Geographic Kids Just Joking 6: 300 Hilarious Jokes, about Everything, including Tongue Twisters, Riddles, and More!

By National Geographic Kids

It looks so funny and cool I really wish I could read it but I think it costs money and I can't buy anything=(

Ultimate Bodypedia: An Amazing Inside-Out Tour of the Human Body (National Geographic Kids)

Ultimate Bodypedia: An Amazing Inside-Out Tour of the Human Body (National Geographic Kids)

By Patricia Daniels, Christina Wilsdon, Jen Agresta

That book looks good but doesn't look for my type and some very cool stuff

My Weird But True Fact-a-Day Fun Journal

My Weird But True Fact-a-Day Fun Journal

By National Geographic Kids

This book isn't exactly a story book, but it's more of a fact book. I've said it before and i'll say it again, I LOVE national geographic.(especially the weird but true series!) I learned a lot of new things from this book, cool things, and really weird things. For example, at the beginning of the book it states that the largest pumpkin weighed as much as a horse! Well, this book was really interesting and loved it! I would recommend this book to any person who likes to read national geographic and fact books. =D

Extreme Weather: Surviving Tornadoes, Sandstorms, Hailstorms, Blizzards, Hurricanes, and More! (National Geographic Kids)

Extreme Weather: Surviving Tornadoes, Sandstorms, Hailstorms, Blizzards, Hurricanes, and More! (National Geographic Kids)

By Thomas M. Kostigen

seem like a good book this book was amazing i can read this over and over again if i wanted to...this had to be one of the best books ever

National Geographic Readers: Nelson Mandela (Readers Bios)

National Geographic Readers: Nelson Mandela (Readers Bios)

By Barbara Kramer

This book is about Nelson Mandela . He was the President of South Africa. I wrote a report on him in 4th grade and I am now in 5th grade.

National Geographic Kids Cookbook: A Year-Round Fun Food Adventure

National Geographic Kids Cookbook: A Year-Round Fun Food Adventure

By Barton Seaver

This kid-friendly cookbook is absolutely made for kids and people who love to cook. In this book, it is filled with ingredients to how to make a meal, what healthy snacks you should eat, and food that was made to match the months. There is a lot to learn and this really motivates people to eat healthier snacks and to choose a better decision to either eat healthily or junk food. After I read this book, I was completely astonished of so many facts. For instance, I never knew that some fruits could fill you up with a lot of energy! I would rate this book 4/5 because I don't really cook, but it did tell me what food to eat to be healthy.

National Geographic Readers: Barack Obama (Readers Bios)

National Geographic Readers: Barack Obama (Readers Bios)

By Caroline Crosson Gilpin

I will like to read a book about nelson mandela and water. : ) the I will like to read about robots and mars. :)

National Geographic Kids Quiz Whiz 4: 1,000 Super Fun Mind-bending Totally Awesome Trivia Questions

National Geographic Kids Quiz Whiz 4: 1,000 Super Fun Mind-bending Totally Awesome Trivia Questions

By National Geographic Kids

i ♥ quizs and facts is a dream come true if i won

Try This!: 50 Fun Experiments for the Mad Scientist in You

Try This!: 50 Fun Experiments for the Mad Scientist in You

By Karen Romano Young

I got this in the mail! This book is so cool! It has amazing science experiments that I have never tried and I can't wait to try them! Thank you, Dogo Books!

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