Kids Books - Science Fiction



By Noelle Stevenson

I think that Nimona by Noelle Stevenson should get a ⅘. This is because I think that the ending could be better. Nimona gets mad at Blackheart because she thinks he chooses to be a hero over saving her life, (which isn't true), which makes her upset, so she runs away. Later, they see each other in a crowd, and Nimona just waves, and then disappears into the crowd, and they never see each other again. This makes me annoyed because I think that they could’ve lived together and maybe Blackheard could adopt her, two lonely souls living together you know? But of course that didn’t happen. Instead, Nimona says a brief goodbye and the story ends! Crazy! But, overall, I think that this book is amazing and super unique. I think that this book is a wonderful read for 4th grade to 6th grade. WARNING: This book has some swears, (Not the worst ones though. Just a couple of minor ones.). I recommend reading this book, so just go to your local library, and get this book now!!!



By Katherine Applegate

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have an imaginary friend? When this friend tries to help you conquer the problems you have at home. When you don’t have food or enough money for paying the bills at home? Well this boy named, Jackson with his family they can’t live in the minivan again. They have to find a way how to try to pay the bills and get more food. This is when Jackson’s friend comes, Crenshaw. “Crenshaw is a cat. He's large, he's outspoken, and he's imaginary. He has come back into Jackson's life to help him. But is an imaginary friend enough to save this family from losing everything?” “In her first novel since winning the Newbery award, Katherine Applegate delivers an unforgettable and magical story about family, friendship, and resilience.” Katherine Applegate is fiction writer for kids. She is best known as the author of the Animorphs, Remnants, Everworld, and other book series. She has won the Newbery Award in 2012 for the book The One And Only Ivan. She is a successful author for children. Applegate's most popular books are science fiction, fantasy, and adventure novels. “She won the Best New Children's Book Series Award in 1997 in Publishers Weekly. Her book Home of the Brave has won two awards. She has recently written an early chapters series called Roscoe Riley Rules.” This book is a fantastic book with all the challenges Jackson family goes through. I would recommend this book to people who likes adventure or fantasy. This book teaches us that most people actually go through the things that Jackson goes through in his lifetime with his little sister, Robin and his parents, Tom and Sarah. This story also shows us to never let go any of the friends that you've taken away from your life.

Talons of Power (Wings of Fire, Book 9)

Talons of Power (Wings of Fire, Book 9)

By Tui T. Sutherland

I thoroughly enjoyed the reading experience of Talons of Power, never finding myself uninterested. That being said, I think this is definitely the weakest book in the second arc and most of the book can be classified as filler. 3 stars. Before I get into my issues, let me preface this by saying I adore the Wings of Fire books and consider this one of my all time favorite middle grade series. My critiques of this book do not change that, and 3 stars is a positive rating for me. Other than the last 20 pages or so, this book is the same thing happening over and over again. Turtle follows Darkstalker, waiting for him to do something evil, Darkstalker doesn’t. Repeat for 200 pages. Turtle is a very…passive character. He spends nearly the entire book “invisible” and just hanging out observing everyone else. He rarely takes matters into his own hands, which I recognize is part of his character but it makes him so much less interesting compared to the other main characters like Moon or Peril. Turtle is so infrequently involved in the story that he didn’t even feel like the main character. Most of this book is slow and repetitive. A lot of the plot serves to bridge the gap to the series finale. Though I was let down by this penultimate novel, I still enjoyed reading it. I love this series and world. The characters of this arc are extremely endearing. I’ve been reading Tui’s writing since I was very young, so I’m always happy to jump into her stories. I’m still super hyped for the finale. There are so many ways this could go, and I can’t wait to see. Not to mention I think Qibli is the main character of the final book, and he is one of my favorites!

Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare

Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare

By Paul Tobin

This was funny and cartoon like at the same time and it was very enjoyable to say the least and I'm a huge plants vs zombies fan I have the game and this book is good I would give it six stars but I can't

Icebreaker (The Icebreaker Trilogy)

Icebreaker (The Icebreaker Trilogy)

By Lian Tanner

I chose a three out of five rating because the book took a very long time to have only a little bit of action. But, once you got like three fourths of the way through, it picked up and was hard to put down. I also gave it that rating because I had a hard time focusing on the book when I was reading it. This book was pretty interesting, though. I’d never thought of some people as anti-machinists, and I don't understand how that would ever happen to people in the future. Lastly, I would recommend it to anyone from the age of ten through thirteen. So, basically fourth grader’s through seventh graders.

Escaping Peril (Wings of Fire, Book 8)

Escaping Peril (Wings of Fire, Book 8)

By Tui T. Sutherland

I just finished Wings of Fire, Escaping Peril, a fantasy by Tui T. Sutherland, for the eighth time (It's still awesome!) and Wings of Fire is the best series ever! It is about a SkyWing named Peril who is a firescales (meaning that her scales are as hot as fire so she is super dangerous) and was very loyal to Queen Scarlet of the SkyWings. Until she met Clay. In the first book she is a Scarlet loyalist but then Scarlet Imprisons Clay and his friends and she falls in love with Clay. This makes her realize how evil Scarlet is and how horribly she treats her prisoners. Anyway now, in the eighth book Peril is no longer loyal to Scarlet and will do anything that she could ever possibly do to protect Clay. After Scarlet threatens Jade Mountain Academy, Peril realizes that the only thing that Clay wants, the only thing that will make Clay feel like he and his friends are safe, even if he will never admit it, is for Queen Scarlet to be killed. So Peril sets out to find the missing Queen and to kill her. Peril’s plan was to kill Scarlet immediately, without letting Scarlet talk her out of it. But things don't quite go as planned…

Ninth Ward

Ninth Ward

By Jewell Parker Rhodes

Ninth Ward is a really interesting book about a girl ( Lanesha ) and her foster mother ( Mama Ya-Ya ). Lanesha was orphaned at birth and was fostered because her rich Uptown family is scared of her. Around the middle of the book hurricane Katrina strikes, but Mama Ya-Ya and Lanesha are stuck, unable to get out of New Orleans. I would definitely recommend this book for ages 9-12. Overall a really good book for people who like cliffhangers.

The Wild Ones

The Wild Ones

By C. Alexander London

"I promise, heart to snap." Can you imagine a world where animals roamed without fear, but they were divided among two sides? On one side are the Wild Ones, consisting of rats, weasels, raccoons and pretty much everything in between - but on the other side are the bloodthirsty Flealess, People's pets who aren't as cuddly and soft as you imagined. Both sides are about to get in a bitter war about possession over Ankle Snap Alley, the most rundown, Slivered Sky-reminiscent place you could imagine - but still, a home for the Wild Ones. Meanwhile, a young, carefree raccoon named Kit thinks he's the farthest away as possible from Slivered Sky life. His parents are historians, travelling all over the world to find artifacts related to Azban, the first Raccoon. But when his parents die at the hands of bloodhounds, Kit must follow his mother's last words - he must protect the Footprint of Azban at all costs and find his uncle Rik. Kit doesn't know why his parents had to die protecting the Footprint of Azban - for all he knows, it's just an artifact, nothing important! But suddenly Kit finds out a shocking secret about his parents and the Footprint of Azban.. and suddenly, Kit finds out that he's the only one who can uncover the secret that gives Ankle Snap Alley to the Wild Ones.. but will he die at the hands of the Flealess trying to uncover it? An almost worthy successor to the great adventure novels that were Redwall, this novel has a big heart and a great bit of adventure. In one word, I think this book is refreshing. A fresh breath of spring air in an alley, you could say. I love how this book takes the "animal" genre towards a new direction, focusing not on dogs, cats, and the like, but on other animals that deserve the spotlight for a change! That being said, I love how this book has such a diverse cast of animals! Another thing I love about this book is the unlikely (at the beginning) friendship of Kit and Eeni. I'm also relieved there isn't a romantic relationship between any of the characters (except Kit's parents, of course), because it's honestly becoming cliche. I loved how their friendship was genuine, not some plot twist where one betrays the other, because honestly I've read too many of those books lately.. The character development and details really pulled me into this world of ragtag animals.. I think that the only thing that negatively surprised me was the surprising amount of violence (don't be turned away from this book because of that, there's only a little), I think I was expecting a feel-good, family book but there was actual hunting/war/violence and even a death at the beginning (not too many details) But what can you say - this book really tugged at my heart with its adventurous spirit. This book delved into a cutting-edge storyline.. but it also explored the true feelings of its characters, and that might be why I loved this book.

The Enchanted Files: Diary of a Mad Brownie

The Enchanted Files: Diary of a Mad Brownie

By Bruce Coville

When you find yourself smiling at the first few pages of any book, you know you're holding something special in your hands. "The Diary of the Mad Brownie" (part of the Enchanted Files) is one such book. It is filled with light-hearted humor and plenty of imagination, creativity, and fun to keep you laughing in the most unexpected moments. But as this book delves deeper, you will discover gentle reminders and morals about friendship, family, and the importances of promises.. there are several moments that will make you feel sorrow, or anger, or pity, or all the other emotions mixed in with joy that makes a book so special. This is a treat for any age (though I would recommend this book to ages 8-12..) Angus Cairns is a brownie - and not the kind you eat, nor a Girl Scout in a brown uniform. Nay, Angus Cairns is a genuine Scottish household brownie, and he is cursed to serve the youngest female (above the age of ten) in the McGonagall line because of his father, who made a foolish mistake way back in history. But is it a curse after all? Even though Angus (like any other sensible brownie) would much rather be human-free, he has taken a fondness to his mistress Sarah, who shares his same mischievousness and trickery in her heart. But alas - Sarah passes away, and Angus must leave his dear homeland of Scotland. He must travel through the Enchanted Realm in a short amount of time to his new land, America, where he must serve a new mistress, who goes by the name of Alex Carhart. Well, Angus Cairns' duty is to tidy up rooms and to serve his mistress, which seems easy enough. But after the tiring journey into America, Angus discovers that Alex is in possession of a MONSTER (a cat) and her room is a PIGSTY - way worse than a pigsty actually. And when he cleans everything up and makes it tidy as can be, she calls the POLICE? This is the first of many other unfortunate incidents between Alex and Angus Cairns. But once they get through all their differences and quarrels, they start to form a true friendship. But what happens when Alex's dad quits his job to become a songwriter (believe me, he is a horrible songwriter) and Angus learns WHAT exactly was the stupid mistake his dad made. And after the stupid mistake his dad made, the Shadow Queen cursed the McGonagall line to be horrible singers and writers.. and that the brownies can't be freed from this curse unless they rescue the Princess of Sunshine. Angus goes on a mission to save the Princess of Sunshine and therefore be free.. and accidentally drags Alex, Bennett, (Alex's brother who writes terrible poems), and Destiny (Alex's imaginative younger sister) for a wild adventure in the Enchanted Realm! Will they find the Princess of Sunshine or will they be doomed? Read this exciting, imaginative, and a roller-coaster of a ride book to find out! I like how this book was written in different formats, like diary for Angus and journal for Alex. I normally don't like when narrators switch frequently, but in this book, it was natural, it flowed, and it was a great addition. The characterization is great - these are characters that are REALLY fleshed out, that some people can relate to or have problems similar to these characters. The other supporting documents are really fun to read, and I like how there are modern things like text messages, in contrast with Angus' quite odd Scottish accent - which I found quirky and very charming. The author adds personal touches that can make readers connect with his writing and the characters, and the setting was very pleasant - I like how there are two main settings and some other backgrounds. I really think Bruce Coville scored a home run with this imaginative book - grade: A+

Harry Potter Hardcover Boxed Set: Books #1-7

Harry Potter Hardcover Boxed Set: Books #1-7

By J. K. Rowling

The Harry Potter books are J.K Rowling’s best installation. These books are recommended for anyone wanting a heart stopping, funny, magical, and unique book. This is one of the most famous book series in history, and J.K Rowling was on Time for Kids’ Bestselling Authors and she was #1 on Top Earning authors, beating Jeff Kinney of Diary of a Wimpy Kid. These books are about an unusual boy, Harry Potter, with unusual things happened get around him. Living with his careless and mean Aunt Petunia, Uncle Vernon, and Dudley, he gets made fun of from his broken glasses o his baggy clothes that once belonged to Dudley, who is spoiled and huge. One day, Hagrid, keeper of the Hogwarts keys, came and told Harry the real reason his parents died, and invited him to the greatest school, Hogwarts, School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Full of adventures with Ron Weasley, his poor and funny friend, and Hermione Granger, Muggle Witch and smartest in the class. Traveling to book to book is Harry Potter getting a year older each book, and stay with him from when he’s 11 all the way to 18. This book will bring you many sad moments, chuckles, and leave you rooting for J.K Rowling, and you won’t put the book down until every lady bit of it is done.

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