i have not read this book but it sounds good!

Middle School Bites: Out for Blood
By Banks, Steven
Tom the Vam-Wolf-Zom is back--and so is the werewolf that bit him--in this monstrously funny series about a boy who's dying to fit in.
Eleven-year-old Tom was bit by a vampire, a werewolf, and a zombie right before the first day of middle school. It was a weird and crazy day. And he didn't even get excused from sixth grade!
Now he's being hunted down by the werewolf that bit him. Should Tom join a wolf pack? On the one hand, he could give up school and homework forever. (He really doesn't want to do his history report.) On the other hand, he'd miss his band, his friends, and Annie, his maybe-possibly-someday girlfriend. He might even miss his big sister, Emma.
Then the vampire that bit him returns with a warning: the werewolf is dangerous. Perhaps Tom should stick with sixth grade--even if it's mostly talent show disappointments, detention, and chicken-turkey-salami-roast beef sandwiches.
Created by an Emmy-nominated writer for SpongeBob, The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron, and CatDog, this hilarious series is illustrated with clever, cartoon-style art on every spread. Perfect for fans of Diary of a Wimpy Kid and The Last Kids on Earth.
Book Reviews (3)
Tom the boy who turned into a Vam-Wolf -Zom is back with more adventures more fun and mysteries .This book is Good and I recommend it 5 stars .
I expected this to be a kid friendly, off-kilter, but fairly predictable school daze comedy with a Vam-Wolf-Zom angle. Fair enough. I did not, however, expect the witty, deadpan, and clever bits, set pieces, and throwaway lines that really set this book, (the third in the series), apart from more pedestrian stuff. Our hero, Tom, is understandably befuddled by his triple-threat predicament. Rather than melting down, though, he handles his situation, and all of the complications that arise from it, with remarkable sang froid. As a consequence, the book is funny, upbeat, occasionally a bit edgy, and very smart. Tom keeps up a running commentary on all of the action, and his perceptive off the cuff observations, (on anything and everything), elevate the whole project. You could drop the entire plot and fashion this into a decent stand up comedy routine. All of this is aided immeasurably by a funny, manic wingman pal, a handful of smart and no nonsense girl friends, a misunderstood bully, a deadpan/mean/nice big sister, and about a dozen various adults who actually get some funny and wise lines of their own. So, the plot may be silly, but the execution is top notch. A fun find.