I am also a fan of J.k Rowling

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
By J.K. Rowling
Interest Level | Reading Level | Reading A-Z | ATOS | Word Count |
Grades 4 - 8 | Grades 10 - 8 | V | 6.7 | 84799 |
In one of the most hotly anticipated sequel in memory, J.K. Rowling takes up where she left off with Harry's second year at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Old friends and new torments abound, including a spirit named Moaning Myrtle who haunts the girls' bathroom, an outrageously conceited professor, Gilderoy Lockheart, and a mysterious force that turns Hogwarts students to stone.
Book Reviews (577)
LOVE this book
If you have read book series like "The Series of Unfortunate Events" and "Percy Jackson & The Olympians", I recommend the "Harry Potter" series to you. It is fun filled, and action packed all throughout the series. I have only read 1-3, but I'm excited to read more! (My dad reads the books to my family, so I literally BEG him to read 4)
love this book it's awesome!
This book is a really good book. It is so suspenseful and really interesting. If you are ever looking for a really good book to read, you should probably read this one!
I love this book! Although im mad because the movies skip some parts of the book, or they changed it! It's annoying!
Joseph Rivas, Harry and Ron do not get expelled. Yet rather in trouble. Anywho, I rate this and the whole series 5 stars. HARRY POTTER WON MARCH MADNESS YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY PARTY!
This is the 2nd book of the Harry Potter series. Donny the house elf tells Harry Potter not to go back to Hogwarts and the students are turning to stone.
Harry Potter starts his second year of Hogwarts. Harry and Ron go to Hogwarts on a car and they get expelled because muggels see them. Hermione, Ron, and Harry find clues about the Chamber of Secrets and try to find the person who opened the Chamber of Secrets.
The book is epic. I decided to read it because I read the first one and I loved it. You should read it.