When Lionblaze, Jayfeather, Hollyleaf, Dovewing, and Ivypool meet Mapleshade in The Last Hope, she's old, evil, and angry. But 3 or 4 generations of cats before, Mapleshade just wanted to be a good Thunderclan warrior. But unfortunately, she fell in love with a Riverclan Warrior and had three kits. When Thunderclan exiled her, Mapleshade was forced to cross the river with her kits. Even though she tried to save them, the kits drowned in the river. After finding out that Riverclan would not accept her, Mapleshade was filled with a desire for revenge. Mapleshade could hear the cries of her three kits in the river and needed to kill three cats to silence all the cries. I gave this book 3 stars because even though it is an interesting backstory, the quality of the writing is considerably worse than the other books.

Warriors: Mapleshade's Vengeance (Warriors Novella)
By Erin Hunter
Book Reviews (9)
Mapleshade is a great warrior from her Clan. Every cat respects her, and her loyalties have never been questioned. But a secret shadows Mapleshade...one that will make her lose everything; friends, family, the love of her Clanmates. When she has kits with a cat from another Clan, the code of the Clans is broken...and it becomes a terrible discovery. Soon, everyone starts to reject her; her mate, his Clan, the leaders of both groups. Swearing to avenge her drowned kits, Mapleshade becomes a rogue cat and wreaks vengeance on everyone she knows. Will she fail in her desire for evil? Or will she succeed? Read on to find out!
Great book!! It is so interesing! also, @brablecalw, what is bramblestar's vengence? there is "Mapleshade's vengence,'" but Bramblestar has "Bramblestar's storm."
brablestears Vengence is so god! It is super eenteraining! I wsih that it was about Fierstear thogh.
I haven't read the book yet but all I know is that MAPLESHADE'S CRAZY!!!! She is a MANIAC! No wonder her mate chose another mate. She scared Crookedstar to death! ( not really. :) ) She took his wife and two of his kits and his mother away. ( READ CROOKEDSTAR'S PROMISE ) I am not trying to make anyone upset, but she didn't deserve to have a mate or kits, and she was probably jealous because Crookedstar had a better life than her. ( Avoiding his mother abandoning him, and Goosefeather making him end up with a twisted jaw.) Oakheart probably had a way better life than him, he had all of his mother's love and he had his own father as his mentor. Oakheart also had two kits instead of one. Also only one of Oakheart's kits died and Crookedstar lost two of his kits and ended up with Silverstream, a bratty daughter. Oh and don't get me started on Feathertail, she acts like she's so perfect and Crowfeather would love her forever. Bluestar is so much better than both of them.
I love Warrior books but this one is just plain sad.
I liked it but I just felt like it was so rushed. I was just like, what's the point of reading it? Mapleshade killed like everyone in 2 or 3 chapters! I do feel bad for her, losing her kits. :(
So good!!
This book really explains the hardships of life. In my opinion, Mapleshade is strong. Ravenwing, Frecklewish, and Appledusk DESERVED to die!!! They don't understand love. They just are as mean as Brokenstar, maybe even meaner. I believe that the Dark Forset cats are just...misunderstood. Tigerclaw and Mapleshade are GREAT CATS!!!